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DevKnight Studios is a digital marketing and production company. Photography, Social, and Application development – all in one.


Aerial Drone footage, event coverage, commercial branding and editing.

Web Development

Wordpress custom theme development, SAAS contracting, and full frontend development.


Portraiture, events, and commercial photography. Ask about our packages!

Social Media

We manage your brand’s social media accounts with daily maintenance and engagement – all organic, all authentic.

[portfolioslider number=”10″ visible=”5″ button_text=”DISCOVER ALL Our work“]
[logos gallery=”820,822,823,824,825,826,827″ visible=”6″]
[cinfo icon=”phone” title=”call us:”]+954 598 4546[/cinfo]
[cinfo icon=”map-marker” title=”Area of Operation:”]Based in Miami, FL.

Operating Worldwide.[/cinfo]

[cinfo icon=”envelope” title=”Email:”][email protected][/cinfo]

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